Thursday 16 May 2013


I organised a live music event to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, there were many music acts who came to event to perform some of their songs. I also produced the event by recording the performances.

The video above shows my camera skills for one of the music acts. I was given advice on how to produce the event such as using two sony pw100 cameras. I used one of the cameras to film a long shot of the performers which was set at the back of the room. I decided to use my handheld camera skills on the second camera which gave me an opportunity to take some cutaways and close up shots of the performer.

I edited the event clips on the Apple mac software called final cut pro . The editing took a couple of days to do as I had the cutaways and close up shots in the chosen places in the sequence. I also had to cut out alot of unwanted clips whilst editing. Final cut pro is a straight forward software which I have good knowledge and experience about.

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