
 I am a enthusiastic and committed television freelance producer, I'm also creative and passionate with what I do within the industry. The entertainment industry is somewhere I will like to work in the future. I'm hoping to create an idea catered for the youth generation, at this moment in time I don't see myself as the next Simon Cowell, but I can pretend to be him for now. I have a great vision of my goal, and I like taking risks, isn't that what an entrepreneur does?

My skills...

I have gained numerous of skills in camera operating, sound operating and editing.  I have the inside television knowledge and skills to produce a project for a catered audience. I have produced contents for clients in the past, and I have managed a production team. I believe I have the skills to create my idea, I have a creative vision of what I want to produce as an entrepreneur.

My project idea...

The entertainment industry means a lot to me and as a television specialist who has worked in that particular industry before and grew up watching shows on television and understanding the drastic change with how audiences view programmes. I definitely feel their is a gap in the market for an online singing talent show, catered for a youth audience. I was also able to contact a graphic designer to design a logo for 'Make Me A Superstar' which is shown below.

'Make Me A Superstar' logo designed by Matt Owen

My project idea is based on an online singing talent show called ''Make Me A Superstar''. The online show will be commissioned on YouTube.  The project will have different phases, these are as followed:

Element 1: send a 60 second video of you performing a cover of any song of your choice, send it to the 'Make Me A Superstar' twitter page/ YouTube page, so audiences can comment.
Element 2: A handful of contestants will then be invited to do some busking in the streets of Birmingham ( Part of audience research strategy/campaign)
Element 3: Contestants are then shortlisted to perform at the live shows.
Element 4: Chosen contestants to perform in front of a panelist of music industry judges at the live shows
Element 5: Live broadcast involves YouTube viewers to chose their favorite music artist weekly until a winner is announced. 


 Market Segmentation...

Make Me A Superstar'' - Market Segmentation 

Demographic: Male/Female/ Students/ Colleges/Schools/ Universities/ Performing Arts
2: Demographic: Singers/Unsigned audiences.
3. Demographic: 16-21 years old
4: Demographic: Variety of music genre from Rock, Classical, Pop, Indie, DJs, 
5: Geographical: Birmingham based.

 What Values will I need for my project?

- Reputation
- Interaction
- Research

Key Activities: Whats the most important activity?
- High quality production

Proposition: What am I offering?
Young potential singers from Birmingham to enter an internet based singing talent show.

Customer relationship: How will I communicate?
Social Media/ Networking.

Channels: Facebook, Twitter, Social Websites.

Marketing/ Promotion: Contestants will be invited to do some busking in the streets of Birmingham, this is so that they can perform in front of an audience. This is also a part of 'Make Me A Superstar' marketing campaign. We will also hand out a tick box to find out whether people will view the show online.Twitter and other social networking sites will be a way to promote the show as audiences will be able to tweet about the performances ending with a hashtag #MakeMeASuperstar.


  Industry Research:-

As television based talent shows like The X Factor seems to decline in the ratings, there is more likely not to be a future for the show. Youth audiences seem to be glued to the internet. YouTubers such as Joe Sugg and Zoella develop their own lifestyle video blogs aimed towards a teen audience.

Let's take a look at the current televised talent show The X Factor, 3 years ago the show stayed strong with it's ratings until the ratings decided to plummet. From the table it suggests that the ratings for the X Factor plummeted in the year 2012.The figures and table below is from Wikipedia.

Primary Online Competitors....

The research I have developed shows how the television industry seems to be competing against the internet market. Zoella is an example of what young audiences view, she seems to popular in the internet/online industry. Zoella has gained success with her lifestyle YouTube shows by gaining over 1 million views a week. 


Market Research ( Needs)

The guardian newspaper suggests that back in December 2013, the X Factor has lost it's rating war against it's competitors. This shows that the singing competition show seems to be losing out on audiences...

As internet seems to soar, the link below show how successful YouTubers such as Zoella and Tanya Burr have became online superstars with their lifestyle video blogs in

In the video below, it shows the research of digital video and how the internet has changed how people view television,  as quoted in the video ''The Media and Entertainment industry is moving quickly into a digital world''( 1:23).


 The graphs shows how young consumers are viewing content online, this is where 'Make Me A Superstar' comes along as there seems to be a niche in the market for a online singing talent show for young audiences to view.


The figures below show the viewing decline of young users in the UK. Not many young people seem to be watching TV anymore as they seem to be hooked on their phones either going on YouTube or using social networking sites.



- Uniqueness,young people will be able to engage by voting online and taking part in discussions.
-  Dedication and motivation.
-Young talents in Birmingham get a chance to get recognition they deserve.
- First ever online singing competition show.

 - Competitors
- Funding/ Risk taking
-  Finance will be quite of a big risk as competitors such as The X Factor as spent millions on the format of the show.
- With a start of a low budget it may be difficult to get equipment, crew and a venue for the live auditions.

Next Steps ....

- I will look into developing the twitter, Facebook and Instagram account for 'Make Me A Superstar'. - Get people to send 60 second covers.
- Contact clients and see whether my idea will suit their needs.
- Field research-  Invite people to focus group ( Visit performing art schools/colleges/universities) see what the clients think of 'Make Me A Superstar'.
- Market research, see whether audiences will participate by sending cover videos.
- Hope to get some sponsors that have connections with young viewers ( Twitter/ mobile companies or retailers.)

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