As mentioned before in the introduction of my blog I have overtook many theory assignments during university. I am interested in the history and contemporary aspects of the television and film industry.

                                                         Television , Texts and Audiences:

During my study on this module I have learned about the history of television and how everything in that particular industry has worked out. My main focus was on entertainment television and how technology has changed the way audiences interact with the show.

 Assignment 1:

As part of my theory assignment I focused my question on the X-Factor UK and how audiences interact with the show. I focused more on how technology has help catch audiences attention, this led to some rhetorical analysis within the assignment.

Assignment 2:

My second assignment in this module was also focused on The-X Factor I have purely targeted the entertainment industry as it is something I would like to work in the near future. I have looked how the judges have been represented on the show and what kind of ideological approaches there are.  

NOTE: If you would like to read my written assignments please don't hesitate to contact me.

                                                                   Film Cultures:

 In my film cultures module, throughout the weeks I have learned about the history of the film industry and how the film industry itself has changed over time. This also has helped me identify my dissertation question as I am passionate about the film industry.

 Assignment 1: Marketing Portfolio

As part of my assessments I have to create a marketing portfolio of a film of my choice. The portfolio covers most things on how the film is marketed such as distribution, product, consumer, premiere, interview and reviews. I targeted the X-Men First Class film as it seems to be interesting to do a portfolio on as X-Men is known to be an iconic superhero comic film.

Assignment 2: Research project

My research project will be thoroughly based on  the sexualisation  of women in comic action films such as The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers. I have always wanted to do research behind this and draw out two arguments in order to focus on in my report.

Catwomen in The Dark Knight Rises

Black Widow in The Avengers

NOTE: If you would like to read my written assignments please don't hesitate to contact me.

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