Professional Media Practice is a compulsory module at my university, it is to help us to understand more about the media industry. This semester we are asked to create a poster reflecting the theory work and upcoming dissertation, we also have to create a professional website which is to showcase our skills and experience in media. Throughout the end of the module everyone on the course will be working together in order to create a event where students will showcase their poster and website in front of media professionals. The module is to also give students a chance to look for media related work in the industry, this year everyone has to take on 105 hours worth of media related experience.


Poster Presentation


In May I will be taking part in the event conference for my module Professional Media Practice, it is an event to help engage people in order work professionally as a team. The event will consist of professionals from the media sector coming for talks, and also understand what type of skills media specialists at Birmingham City University has developed during there two years on the course. The event is to allow individuals to showcase their experience and skills that they have gained throughout the years. Most people on the course will be allocated a job role which are; catering, registering/ front of house, programme managing and guests, promo/ marketing, technology and rooms and logo design. All these listed roles will be allocated to individuals depending on the roles they have offered to do.

Conference promotion poster



The conference took place on 9th May 2014; this was a big day for all media specialists at Birmingham City University to showcase their skills to professionals and visitors. My role throughout the day was quite hands down, as someone who has worked in the television industry and events; it has made me aware of similar circumstances in the media industry. I have worked in different areas in the media industry and the similarity was working with different people and networking.


I worked alongside different media specialists who I have never worked with before, the event has helped me gain a lot of strength from working with a big team. I had to liaise with the committee so that I know exactly where to go throughout the day. My role was front of house ( ushering ) , this role enabled me to communicate with different specialists and direct visitors and professionals to the correct rooms around the university.  Although my role was quite hands down, I felt like my role wasn’t huge enough as my shift was 8-10AM, then I was available throughout the day, I did see if anyone wanted covering but most people seemed satisfied with their day role.  


Furthermore during my poster presentation I was given a chance to discuss to professionals, university media specialists and visitors  about my university projects, experience and future plans, this was to give them an understanding on what type of field I am heading towards, my poster seemed to have a simplistic approach and colours that stand out to the crowed, I was more looking at the colours yellow and blue which symbolises Birmingham City Univeristy, critically I could have included pictures to make it more appealing and make my texts bigger, I also included my contact details with icons of each contact brand such as Outlook, Twitter and Blogspot.


Throughout the event I was able to go and see a few lectures and talks, one talk which intrigued me was the student talk, this reason for this was it gave me an insight of their strategic plans after university and what kind of projects and experience they undertook throughout the years.  It has made me aware how it’s difficult finding a job in the industry but with the ambition, passion and dedication it seems to pay off at the end.

BCU Radio Specialist Hardeep Kaur giving a talk

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